Is LR1130 the Same As LR44?

When it comes to button cell batteries, many people often find themselves confused about the various types available and their differences. This article aims to answer the question, “Is LR1130 the same as LR44?” and provide insights into their specifications, uses, compatibility, and more. So, let’s dive in!

Understanding Button Cell Batteries

Button cell batteries, also known as coin cell batteries or watch batteries, are small, flat, and circular batteries commonly used in various electronic devices. These batteries are typically used in low-power devices such as watches, calculators, hearing aids, and small toys.

LR44 Battery


The LR44 battery is a widely used alkaline button cell battery with a nominal voltage of 1.5V. Its dimensions are 11.6mm in diameter and 5.4mm in height, and it typically has a capacity of around 120mAh.

Common Uses

LR44 batteries are frequently found in small electronic devices such as watches, calculators, laser pointers, digital thermometers, and toys.

LR1130 Battery


The LR1130 battery is another popular alkaline button cell battery with a nominal voltage of 1.5V. Its dimensions are 11.6mm in diameter and 3.0mm in height, and it usually has a capacity of around 80mAh.

Common Uses

LR1130 batteries are commonly used in devices like watches, calculators, glucometers, and small electronic toys.

Comparing LR44 and LR1130

Voltage and Capacity

Both LR44 and LR1130 batteries have the same nominal voltage of 1.5V. However, the LR44 battery has a higher capacity of around 120mAh compared to the LR1130’s capacity of approximately 80mAh. This means that the LR44 battery can provide power for a longer duration compared to the LR1130.

Size and Shape

While both batteries share the same diameter of 11.6mm, there is a notable difference in their heights. The LR44 battery is thicker, with a height of 5.4mm, while the LR1130 battery is slimmer, with a height of 3.0mm.


Although both batteries have the same voltage and similar diameters, they are not always interchangeable due to the difference in their heights. Some devices may require the specific height of either the LR44 or the LR1130 battery for proper operation.

Alternatives and Interchangeability

In some cases, you may be able to use alternative batteries if you cannot find the exact LR44 or LR1130 battery. For instance, the SR44 is a silver oxide equivalent to the LR44, and the SR54 is a silver oxide equivalent to the LR1130. However, always consult the device manufacturer’s recommendations before using alternative batteries to ensure compatibility and avoid damaging your device.

Precautions and Tips

When handling or replacing button cell batteries, keep the following tips in mind:

  1. Always check the device’s user manual for the correct battery type and specifications.
  2. Make sure the battery is inserted with the correct polarity.
  3. Keep button cell batteries away from children, as they pose a choking hazard.
  4. Do not attempt to recharge non-rechargeable batteries, as this can cause them to leak or explode.
  5. Dispose of used batteries properly, following local regulations for battery disposal.


1. Can I use an LR1130 battery in place of an LR44 battery?

While both batteries have the same voltage and diameter, their height differences may cause compatibility issues. Always check your device’s user manual for the correct battery type and consult the manufacturer’s recommendations before attempting to use an alternative battery.

2. What is the main difference between LR44 and LR1130 batteries?

The primary difference between LR44 and LR1130 batteries is their height and capacity. The LR44 battery is thicker and has a higher capacity, while the LR1130 battery is slimmer and has a lower capacity.

3. How can I dispose of used button cell batteries properly?

Dispose of used batteries according to your local regulations for battery disposal. Many communities have recycling programs or designated collection points for used batteries. Do not throw used batteries in the regular trash.

4. Are there rechargeable alternatives to LR44 and LR1130 batteries?

Yes, there are rechargeable alternatives available, such as the LIR44 and LIR1130. However, make sure to check if your device is compatible with rechargeable batteries before using them.

5. Can I use a silver oxide battery as a replacement for an alkaline battery?

In some cases, you can use a silver oxide battery, such as the SR44 or SR54, as a replacement for an LR44 or LR1130 battery. However, consult your device manufacturer’s recommendations to ensure compatibility and avoid damaging your device.

Final Verdict

To sum up, the LR44 and LR1130 batteries are not the same. While they share a similar voltage and diameter, their heights and capacities differ, which may affect their compatibility with certain devices. It is essential to consult the device manufacturer’s recommendations before using alternative batteries or attempting to interchange these two battery types. By understanding the differences between LR44 and LR1130 batteries, you can ensure that you use the correct battery type for your device and enjoy its optimal performance.

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